Kim Keckes

kim keckes

teachable moments happen organically when you are with kim keckes on her farm.

note from the author:

years can go by and amidst the inevitable growth, some truths and ways of being remain the same.

teachable moments happen organically when you are with kim keckes on her farm.

we know first hand as the boys and myself volunteered at moondance organic gardens in angus, ontario for 4 years when the boys were little.

as a homeschooling family, we found there were not a lot of volunteer opportunities for children under the age of 16, but kim welcomed us and many other families to her farm. it was a time in our lives we will never forget!

one day while working in the fields, i asked kim, what knowledge is infinite? constant? she said, “are you ready for it? … nature” on another day, after it became a bylaw in barrie, ontario to ban pesticides from being sprayed on residential lawns i noticed how they were being covered by dandelions and i said when you observe the masses of yellow dandelions everywhere, what do you see? and i’ll never forget her answer, she said without hesitation,  “hope.” kim has always given me food for thought (go figure ;)) and has left a lasting impression on how i view the world.

this photo represents a full circle moment for me, for us…as kim just has so much to teach about the abundance that nature can provide.

just has she had years ago, kim picked up an edible flower, talked about it and shared its petals with us to eat….continuing to open us up to different foods grown in nature without chemicals.

this time was especially interesting as after our family moved away from kim’s farm, the boys worked on another farm and have been learning all sorts of agricultural skills along the way…so they understood what kim was talking about on a whole new level and had their eyes opened yet again to organic ways of farming.

it was a beautiful moment for a mother to observe.

i am ever so thankful to kim for all she taught us, all she is and all she does for the environment and community.

there is nobody quite like kim keckes and it is an honour and a joy to have her as a part of our 3rd life messages™ book of enterprising hearts!

to learn more about kim and her farm, please visit: Moondance Organic Gardens

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life messages™ book of enterprising hearts

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