matthew sokol & kerry bunney

matthew sokol & kerry bunney

matthew & kerry understand the darkness but they go out of their way to be the light for others.

note from the author:

matthew & kerry are pure of heart. all of their intentions are good.
they are near and dear to my heart and to the life messages™ movement!

matthew & kerry understand the darkness but they go out of their way to be the light for others.

if you have been to hawthorne café, you’ll know what i mean!

when we were rounding the corner of our kickstarter campaign for our first book, hawthorne café was there offering space and proceeds of their sales to our cause! kerry was in our first book and their children were in the little ones on life book and enterprising hearts simply wouldn’t be the same without them…now kerry, matthew & baby elliot! my heart swells with happiness that they are taking part in this project.

community givers through and through…it is just a way of life for them…

i can’t wait for you to see their picture and story in our upcoming book! it will move you to make a difference and put a smile on your face! I promise!

Join us for the Book Launch Event in Milton, ON by clicking here…

life messages™ book of enterprising hearts: pre-order now!

life messages™ book of enterprising hearts

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