

sheryl  has given thousands upon thousands of people a voice through the gift of mentorship, literacy and book publication.

note from the author:

sheryl  has given thousands upon thousands of people a voice through the gift of mentorship, literacy and book publication.

she is not one to be in the limelight but in my opinion she deserves it.

enterprising hearts is our third life messages book in a series – the publication of which was facilitated by TRIMATRIX management consulting inc.

life messages would literally not be what it is today without her and her team.

i am filled with gratitude for all they have done to value the unique voices of all of our messengers!

as I have come to work with sheryl, I have learned about kids for kids books which is a division of TRIMATRIX management consulting inc., and all they have done to encourage, educate and publish young authors.

kids for kids books is featured in our upcoming book, enterprising hearts!

sheryl’s ‘goosebump’ moments will move and inspire you!

get a copy of our book and find out why she feels that ‘perfection is a nebulous cloud.’

for more information about sheryl and trimax please visit:

Join us for the Book Launch Event in Milton, ON by clicking here…

life messages™ book of enterprising hearts: pre-order now!

life messages™ book of enterprising hearts

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